Spirituality encompasses many themes. All of our relationships have the capacity to nourish wellbeing or suffering in us. This is true too of our relationship to the divine, our spiritual life, our sense of meaning and to organized religion.
For some, spiritual experiences are a source of empowerment, inspiration and meaning. For others, they can be confusing and even overwhelmingly intense and traumatic. Similarly, experiences with organized religion are different for everyone. And all the meditation and mindfulness courses on offer bring much opportunity as well as many questions.
With transpersonal psychotherapy, I listen to which soul solutions you have encountered, whether they are of hurt or support to you, and what you are seeking for your present context.
My background in this area is from Buddhist psychology, Jungian philosophy and my experience in Christian and Buddhist communities. On a personal level, I was active in Catholic parish groups in my youth and am now a mindfulness practitioner in the Thich Nhat Hanh zen tradition. I speak Christian, Mahayana, yogini and shaman and am happy to listen to whichever foundation you’re speaking from. My goal is to support you on the search or path you have chosen for yourself.
Inspiration – what was the last film, song or symphony that moved you?